My girlfriend's name is Brae. This is her mouth. Amazing things happen when it gets hold of the English language.

Resembling at various times Reverend Spooner, The Bard and a Japanese novelty t-shirt, she is an endless wellspring of linguistic gems and curiosities.

What follows in an attempt to catalogue Brae's unique, creative and often baffling relationship with the spoken word.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today as we were cleaning our apartment Brae was talking about our houseplants and used the rather common mispronunciation "foilage." I paused and gave her a look to which she's grown quite accustomed.

She mockingly rolled her eyes and asked "Is that going in the blog?"

"Nah, that one's a little too common to be of interest," I assured her.

Brae got her composure and then with the utmost confidence corrected herself, "foyage!"

"Now THAT'S going in the blog!"

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